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Postgraduate Programme Registration Guide



As a fresh student you are required to authenticate your account before you can login. Your login credentials is the result of this step. Please skip this step if your account is already authenticated. To begin, click or copy and paste the following URL in your browser and press enter:

On the page
Be sure the active tab is "Authentication for Fresh Students".
Fill this accordingly:
Admission Letter Invoice No.: This can be found on your admission letter, on the top right corner ex: Inv No
Application Form Number: Same as above ex: App No
Registration No.: Can be found on the green file you got from the post-graduate school (PG school) ex SPS/20/XXX/00000

Bear in mind that if you have entered the required information correctly you will see green tick on the right side of the input box.
Click "Authenticate" button. This displays a pop box with your login credentials i.e username and password.
Please keep the credentials safe either by writing it down or taking a screenshot.

Login in

If you have completed the above steps congratulations, as you have successfully completed the authentication process. The next step is to login in to your portal using the below url:

Supply your credentials you got from the previous step.

At this stage you are logged in.
Please complete your personal information on the Profile and SIF form. 
When you get to BUKPPF step, download the document and keep in a safe location on your device

You are adviced to copy and paste your credentials from the authentication details screen. However, please note that the password is case-sensitive and also, don't post your login credentials on the openly.

Retrieving BUKPPF Document

The next step is very crucial as this is where your payment will be made in your stead. Once this is completed, then you will be able to proceed to print payment receipt and your course registration and other process as stated in the registration portal.

To submit your BUKPPF file, follow these steps.
Login in to your account using this link:

After a successful login open the menu using the hamburger menu button (mobile) or look at the left panel (PC), then tap "BUKPPF" link.
You will find a link/button labelled with "Generate BUK Personalised Payment Form (BUKPPF + RRR)". Click this link and wait for a few seconds and you will get a download button. 
Tap the download button.
Keep the downloaded file safe, as you will need it to complete the form below.

Notify the us when you at this point on


Process Payment

Login in to your portal and navigate to the Payment's page. Click on the "Process Fellowship" button to proceed with your course registrations.


We hope you find this guide helpful?



Africa Center of Excellence for Population Health and Policy (ACEPHAP) is one of the World Bank supported African Centre of Excellence which is aimed at strengthening interdisciplinary approaches to promote population health outcome through training and research for evidence-informed policy development in West and Central Africa. 

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